Setup app code
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Go to lib/utils/constant.dart change all basic settings
Go to android/app/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml and change your admin domain without http/https
Now we need to put a png file with your icon named 'ic_launcher.png' in the following folders:
res/drawable-mdpi - with a size of 48px x 48px
res/drawable-hdpi - with a size of 72px x 72px
res/drawable-xhdpi - with a size of 96px x 96px
res/drawable-xxhdpi - with a size of 144px x 144px
res/drawable-xxxhdpi - with a size of 192px x 192px
this URL will help you resize your images or event create new icon to your app Launcher Icon Generator
Change splash screen logo
Go to <app dir>